As expected, Apple has released the fourth beta of iOS 7 this morning. The update comes three weeks after the release of beta 3—longer than the the time period between previous betas due to a lengthy Developer Center outage caused by a security breach.
Beta 4 is available now to all registered Apple developers via OTA (over the air update), which can be installed by visiting the Software Update section in the Settings app of devices that currently have iOS 7 installed. And it should post soon to the dev portal…
The previous beta brought about a number of UI tweaks and changes in apps like Music, Mail, Weather and the Notification Center. There were also several performance improvements made, making the firmware faster and more reliable than previous releases.
The fourth beta is available for compatible iPhones, iPads and iPod touch models. We’re currently installing it ourselves, and will be reporting back with any new stuff we find. So make sure you keep checking back with this post throughout the day for changes.
And as always, we welcome you to let us know if we missed anything by e-mailing us at
What’s new in iOS 7 beta 4
As we continue to dig through the new information in iOS 7 beta 4, we’ll be listing any major changes we find below:
- Lock screen UI tweaked, no longer has confusing up arrow
- Call button in phone app, Answer/Decline buttons refreshed
- Animations are noticeably faster
- Minor changes to Spotlight UI
- New ‘Completed Uploads’ option in Notification Center
- In Messages, it now only shows the first letter of the last name of the person you’re chatting with
- HDR On/Off button relocated in Camera app
- You can now swipe between Today-All-Missed views in Notification Center
- New AirPlay icons
- Shuffle All Songs option is back in Music app
- New search bar in Reminders app
- Improved navigation in Settings app
- Apple now asks if you want to “Help Improve Maps” when you first launch Maps app
- New “Improve Maps” opt-in program in Privacy section of Settings
- Tweaked icons
- Saved Passwords for Safari now ask you want to setup an on-device password
- Pin in Maps app now shows estimated driving time to location
- New ‘Dial Assist’ feature in Phone app
- Filters now available in Camera app for iPhone 4S
- New Q&A section in Siri’s info sheet
- New iPad resolution toggle when running iPhone apps
- Minor changes to Newsstand UI
- Minor UI tweaks to system keyboard
- Redesigned Bookmarks, Reading List and Shared Links icons in Safari app
- New ‘Play Explicit Tracks’ option in iTunes Radio
- New ‘Siri has a new voice’ notification
- You can now choose a Sound and Vibration Pattern for AirDrop alerts
- New Frequent Locations options in Settings > Privacy > System Services > Frequent Locations
- New Control Center grabber and UI when swiping up while watching a video
- You can now swipe down in Siri to see previous activity, even after exiting and reopening
Thanks to everyone who sent us in tips to help us compile this list!